Hawk Security Services

Hawk Security Services aspires to be recognized as a provider of first class service for the protection of people and facilities.

Achieving this vision requires effective management of the risks associated with our activities. This includes protecting the health and safety of our officers, staff and other people who could be directly affected by our work.

Hawk Security Services aims to achieve this commitment by providing an effective and efficient system for managing health and safety risks that:
  • prevents work-related injuries and ill health;
  • provides common and consistent standards of risk control;
  • integrates with our clients quality management system and other relevant management processes;
  • operates in partnership with our staff, clients and other stakeholders;
  • promotes a positive health and safety culture;
  • minimises the harmful effects of accidents and emergencies;
  • learns from all relevant experience; and
  • meets the requirements and expectations of the statutory duties.

It requires the combined efforts of everyone who works for Hawk Security Services, in any capacity, to put this policy into practice. Consequently we will:

  • provide adequate resources and technical support to enable our officers and staff to implement this policy; and
  • ensure our officers and staff are competent to fulfil their roles and responsibilities through appropriate selection, recruitment, training and development programmes.
  • Maintain that all employees have a responsibility to comply with health and safety policies and procedures, through taking care of themselves and their colleagues and by bringing to notice health and safety concerns, which may lead to an accident or injury.
In return we expect all of our officers, staff, temporary workers, agency workers and contractors to achieve appropriate standards of health and safety at work and to comply with their legal duties. The organisation and arrangements required to implement, monitor and review this policy are contained in our local procedures/instructions. Further advice and guidance will be made available on the health and safety aspirations upon request.

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains fit for purpose.